Sunday, June 22, 2008

Second walk around town

Endless small boothes along the shopping street

Today Lena and I went to a shopping district which was swarmed with mostly young people. Here a lot reminded of China and exactly here it becomes clear what is happening in China right now. Much of Seoul’s commercial face is simply spilled over to Chinese cities; Kitsch & Co. have been copied and imitated by the Chinese. Here you’ll find all that in even bigger dimensions – and I thought that China was extreme…! On one side I mean the offered products in their kind and quantities but also the shopping-and-selling-mentality on the other one. The latter is defined by “loud (flashy) and colourful (also flashy)” and shops, where young sellers are clapping their hands to yell for customers, are additionally showered with noisy “music”. But like this you won’t convince people to buy things, you might think, Europeans would be scared off…? And that’s what we haven’t got so far…

Mainly young people shopping

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