Sunday, June 22, 2008

First discovery tour

Dongdaemun - the big East gate (Dong Da Men ;o)

Yesterday I took the subway towards downtown, got off at the East gate and walked into the centre. At first it was quite confusing, even using the map, to find the right direction and I couldn’t either see where the sun was. Smog or steam, who know’s…?

Greened up former road

I walked along the little river which runs parallel to the street I actually wanted to take. Here they did something good for the city by removing a road and substitute it by a lot of green and this little creek. So, beside the hills, here you’ll find another oasis in this huge city – used by many walkers.

Street market

In small side roads and on squares there are markets which remind of China – starting from the atmosphere till the things offered there: clothes, including socks; watches, jewellery and sunglasses as well as snacks and drinks here and there.

Lunch in front of the shop

And also here it seems to be usual to have meals during work time and right in or in front of the shop. I had seen several people with tablets with many small bowls – the common way of eating as I’ve already seen in the restaurants.


Even though the most buildings are modern buildings from the eighties, once in a while you’ll discover small, older houses. But these lie completely hidden behind their tall brothers and appear as quite neglected.


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