Friday, June 20, 2008

The second day

Today we already left at eight – stimulating the biorhythm… In Goetheinstitute I looked at a few materials, got my first lessons for Monday and Tuesday and handed over all my documents which are needed for the immigration office. Now a lawyer is called in because of all the trouble they’ve had with applying for work permits and if I shouldn’t get the visa, then, well… “If they’re irritating us, we will irritate them as well…” The new Korean rules seem to work against what they’re meant to be for. By the way, they had been tightened because in December they’d caught a Canadian English teacher, employed in Korea, for child pornography in Thailand. At the same time they had discovered people with faked documents. And who has to pay for that…

For lunch Tina and I went to he students’ quarter of Korean University. I had dumplings filled with shrimps and vegetables – hmmmmm! And then we found a place to live for me so quickly! But about that I’m going to tell you tomorrow, after having moved inn.

I went back to Goetheinstitute by myself, taking subway and bus no. 14, the sun was shining and I crossed this nice quarter right beside my new workplace:

Just around the corner

This night I’ll be sleeping in familial environments and had sausage, cheese and self made rye bread for dinner. And by the end of the day I can tell how much better I feel then yesterday.

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